A Song of Home Blog Tour!

Today I am pleased to participate in the blog tour for A Song of Home, the latest book in the Battle for Heritage series by Ryana Lynn Miller! Before we move on to the review and other exciting things, let’s learn more about the series!

About the Series

The Battle for Heritage Series (BHS) is an in-progress five book series on the War Between the States. Each book follows one year of the war, focusing on the Southern perspective. Unlike most books on this period, BHS does not focus on slavery but rather the reason the war was fought: the issue of states’ rights and the right of the people to restore the rightful government as designed by our forefathers. But even though this is important, this is not the main goal of BHS.

Every book includes a clear Gospel presentation, as well as other biblical topics designed to strengthen the believer and disciple the new convert. If you take nothing else from these stories, please take the lessons from Scripture to heart. If not, the goal is missed.

The series follows the Mason family, Silas and Ellen, and their children, Richard, Seth, Dixie, Michael, Thomas, and Virginia Rose, through the years 1861-1865. Having family on both sides allows the reader to discover viewpoints of both sides, though the story is focused on the South’s point of view. Having friends in the North and South, Ryana Lynn endeavors to keep things kind, while realistic and giving the facts.

BHS has reached people in a multitude of states, her best readerships being located in North Carolina, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Ohio. It is her prayer that someday, someone will come to know Christ through her writings. Her life verse, Jude 22, sums up her writing mission: “And of some, have compassion, making a difference.”

Now for the review!

“In war time, everyone is called to fulfill their patriotic duty. But everyone’s duty is not the same. For some, it’s to soldier on the field of battle. For others, it is to stay back and defend the home front. Still others keep the soldiers clothed and cared for.

‘We’re gonna finish this,’ Seth murmured. ‘We’re gonna finish this fight once and for all. They can’t just come in and threaten a man’s family and livelihood just because they feel like it.’

‘It’s a hard lesson to teach,’ Silas interjected. ‘The Patriots were outmanned and outgunned, but they taught the redcoats right well. God’s will is most important, and God is the best Teacher. Sometimes He does it Himself, and other times He uses men to teach the lesson.’

“Join the Mason family as another year of war dawns with no end in sight. Despair, hatred and death surround them…will they ever know a time of hope, love and peace again?

“Bring your family along on another history packed journey full of battle, music, victory and defeat. The war ain’t over ‘til the sabers quit clashing!” ~synopsis

Title: A Song of Home

Author: Ryana Lynn Miller

Genre(s): Christian Historical Fiction

Rating: ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ (five stars)

Romance Content: Talks of people getting married and has scenes with married couples being alone; nothing inappropriate

Recommended age range: 13+, perhaps, because of the war scenes (parental approval recommended 😉 )

My Review:

Once again, this was another great book in the Battle for Heritage series!! I greatly enjoyed following favorite characters through this book and seeing them change (in a good way)! As is likely to happen in war stories, there are some sad scenes as well as some scenes where people get hurt, but I didn’t find them too gruesome– this depends on the individual.

As with the last book, I enjoyed the sections about the Confederate spies! I also liked reading some of the songs included (though I’ll admit that I skimmed some because I wanted to get back to the story!). It was cool to “meet” a relative of the author as well!

I did not agree with the note at the end referring to 2 Chron. 7:14, that if we humble ourselves, pray, etc God will heal our land. God made that promise to Israel, not to the United States, and while He does do such things for individuals, He has no obligation to heal America, unfortunately.

I enjoyed reading this book! While I don’t want the war to end in the last book (yet to be published), since I know who won, I still am looking forward to reading it eventually because I want to know what happens to the Masons and their friends!

About the Author

Ryana Lynn Miller has a unique way of blending her love for history with her love for the Savior. Her continued research is fueled by her desire for truth and details. Her main concern, both historically and Biblically, is to show the past to the present to secure the future.

Now, there’s a…


The giveaway is for ecopies of all four (published) books in the Battle For Heritage series, and there is one winner. International readers, you are welcome to enter! Click here to enter!

And a few quotes for you…

I hope you enjoyed reading this post and that you’ll consider reading this book! 🙂

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